OK – half term hols clocks change & funnily enough the kids were awake this morning before I set off for work… Eve at 05:45 & Jude probably not long after & Esme, naturally Esme was awake before six… sheesh. Remains to be seem when Jack actually stirs, but he was later to bed than usual & even later to sleep knowing him… He’s in an … undisciplined (shall we say) mood as he’s on half term, so getting him to apply himself to his homework is a little difficult (nailing jelly to the wall – bear I mind we’re vegetarian so you can’t overdo the gelatin).

Jack might have more, but might have less homework… He was ill on the last Thursday of school (sick in the toilets, apparently). It might have been the stomach bug that Louise had (& I may have had very mildly) but it may also have been mounting stress & a lack of sleep as his sleeping habits were starting to get worn – up early, yet starting to try (or being cursed with) staying awake later (he’s difficult to gauge). Therefore he still has homework that he should have completed for the Friday to complete and the homework he was set over the holidays. So – he has additional homework that he should have completed, but also missing a few lessons at the end of term (he didn’t go in on the Friday, but there were only 2 classes that day) he has potentially less as he’s missed opportunities to be given homework. Now, the other thing is; I’m not sure as to what the school policy is toward missed homework assignments… Is he supposed to do these at a later date? That might be harsh…

Still Louise has thought of some bribery to get him going on what he needs to get done – so hopefully that should help him concentrate on what he has to do, rather than on Fantastic Contraptions.

As the kids are all on half term hols, then Louise will hopefully be dragging them out to meet me after work today. Louise wants to get a present for her friend’s birthday party at the end of the week(I should really try to get something for Neil – worrying about what to get has yet to result into anything concrete in the way of a proper clue) Annnd Louise’s birthday is around the corner as well (although I do have an idea what I should be getting there… maybe.

That and the fact that I need to be getting some new shoes.. I’m not so pleased at that as my zip up Chelsea boot style cherry Doc Martens are officially dead & I didn’t get to wear the soles out… The zip went on Saturday; not sure how, but it would not fix, so I ended up breaking the zip to get the boot off my foot. Ah, well – they lasted longer than a pair of shoes usually lasts for me.