Monthly Archives: November 2002

Fri 29|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 7 seconds

Train Home

Not that I could not have typed on the train in – I had a seat at which I could type, I had no one sitting next to me & I had a good nights sleep. For the 1st time in… um.. rather a long time, both Jack & Eve slept all through the night without shouting for attention. Wow!
Jude cried a fair bit as we were going to sleep. Not really sure what the matter was – he didn’t especially seem to want to be comforted, & we kinda concluded he was hungry – but would not really settle well for a feed. Still – he did settle in the end… with a feed…

Putting things on the web falls behind again – but it’s been a hectic week. Maybe plough out some time next week.

Present OS annoyance is that my digital camera will not work with OSX. It seems that it should & there seem to be drivers – but it won’t have it. Bah. More the problem is my lack of time to investigate at the moment.

There are more amusing anecdotes to impart. Again – they have evaporated since Louise told me & I come to type. Actually I know my memory holds them, but I cannot grasp them from the fog of here & now.

Thu 28|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 17 seconds

Train Home

Ha ha – what fun it was this morning – with the train cancelled & the next one no longer running while North Western Trains are in industrial dispute (overtime ban?) the train to work arrived some 40 mins after the one I usually get. No tying – it’s crowded by the time it reaches us.
That may all sound bitter – but I take it all with a pinch of salt really – why should I worry if I’m a little late for work? I still get to sit & I get to read & no one bothers me. I kinda enjoy the farcical nature of it all.

Jack slept a bit better last night – in that he slept…
He went to sleep relatively easy in the evening as well. Counter to expectations Jack & Eve were not really that fractious. Eve was a bit on the hysterical side, but then she does get a mess of tears & shrieks when she gets over tired. Jack did wake up in the night again. I don’t recall what he complained about. I seem to think that he asked whether today was a ‘school day’ – to which it could not be denied – yes. He then was in need of a cuddle & then got one. He then also got a few pokes <jab-jab-jab> on the eyelid as I noticed that he had his eyes open a crack – so, naturally I poked them closed. He complained that it hurt… OK! – OK! – I’m a bad dad. Mitigation: I was sleepy yer honour – stupid things make much more sense when you your brain is not engaged. He does have a sensitive eyelid at the moment. It sometimes gets a little swollen… I wonder what that’s about?
Louise’s nephew called to say ‘tara’ yesterday evening – he’s off to New Zealand for… well – I dunno how long for. He’s got a job & accommodation lined up & everything. I don’t think he’s yet 19 (I may be wrong) but that is such a good example of landing on your feet. I’m well impressed. Louise had a chat with her sister as well – it seems that we get their mum’s good side at the moment in comparison. She is getting her for Xmas as well, while we scuttle off to see my mum & dad (Hurah! – I’ve spoken to my dad &he can give us a lift!). It has been conceded that we should really have her to stay next year.

I can’t really think of much more to add in writing – so I should shut up. It all seems like one long round of sleep derived mutterings at the moment

Wed 27|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 36 seconds

Everyone awake as I left the house this morning… well… Eve was nearly asleep. Everyone was awake when I got up this morning.
Jack claimed a bad dream at @03:17 & did not settle. I’d be drifting off to sleep & he’d wake me with another plea of some form that I’d sleepily try to placate. Obviously I do a bad job or he’d sleep. At @04:20 I decided that I’m doing a bad job & go & get Louise to swap to see if that goes any better as I do need some more sleep & I can’t see the situation changing. I get some sleep until 05:30 when Jude stirs & my alarm goes off (in that order). Nyurg – time to get up. Unfortunately it seems that Louise has fared little better – if not worse as Eve woke up as well. All downstairs at 05:30 – sheesh!
I get my shower & all that as the usual routine with added baby hanging onto leg when doing the breakfast. Jack starts to falter & the telly goes on. He is going to remain awake now.
It could well be a grumpy evening.

I did not do well getting home yesterday. I was doing a little pottering (& dithering) in town; got an album & some groceries. Went to catch a train & found it cancelled. The next train was crowded & hot. I didn’t notice Todmorden go past until it was too late & had to get off at Hebden Bridge to go back the other way.
At least I was able to use Louise’s mobile phone to call her to let her know how dim I was.

Right – well – as might be suspected I am tired… typing stop & I might try some passive reading – some vacant staring into space or some grateful sleeping. Such fun can be had sitting on a train to work.

Tue 26|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 3 seconds

Louise was ill yesterday, so I stayed at home to get the kids to school & all that. I have things easy as she looks after Jude a bit as well – so Eve gets to play a little with me, rather than clamouring for attention away from Jude. I even managed to set her to play with a train set while I cleared the ‘top of the cellar’ area of all the stuff we push in there ‘out of the way’ – a job that’s needed to be done for far too long.

Jack went to school yesterday even though he protested that he was not so well the night before (I do not recall him complaining in the morning – but that does not mean that he didn’t). I bumped into him in the playground after taking Eve to school playgroup for the afternoon & he complained again quite plaintively. I cleaned his snotty nose & gave him a hug or two, but didn’t take him up on his offer to come home. Still, I felt guilty & tried to see what he was doing as I departed. He was with someone else, but I lost sight of him in the melee of playground. He had evidently complained to his teacher that he was not feeling so well as she mentioned it when they came out. She also said that he was shouting & laughing with the rest of them at the visiting theatre company they had in the afternoon. Hmmm….
They seem to have a lot of those… I recall one or two when I was at school, but they seem more abundant nowadays…

Jude cried a lot in the pushchair when I took him shopping. He was not sure at all about this ‘mummy being ill’ thing. He wanted her for reassurance, rather than mean ol’ daddy – so he was not for being held by others & not happy at being in a stationary pushchair (must – keep – moving!). He’s starting to engage a lot more. There are regular episodes of ‘holding up your hands’ at tea time. His facial expressions are amusing as well. He’s taken to doing quite a curled lip snarl. I’m not really sure why (what mood it imparts) but it may be to do with teething. He cut an upper left incisor last week (Thursday?). It’s funny when he snarls & then you make him smile – snarlsmile… heh.

Fri 22|11 Train home

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 29 seconds

Too tired this morning. Looked at the paper half heartedly for a second & then opted for sleep.
Been updating the online waffles to bring them more up to date after the delay caused by … OSX transference & inertia.

Louise off to Bradford yesterday to visit Aunties etc with Eve & Jude. They performed admirably by accounts. Eve got some new shoes (boots) as well. They’re a little C&W, but they suit her well.

I picked up Jack from school – he was a little lacklustre. He didn’t bash me, for once …well – not until we were nearly at the gates anyway. Quite a nice change not having to dodge flying book bag & lunch box. I have got into the habit of getting them from him before he can wallop me, but I was carrying shopping yesterday.
When he got home he proclaimed that he was tired & would like to go to sleep. He played on the computer for a bit instead. I helped him for a bit & then did a smattering of tidying up before Louise got home.
Jack protested he had stomach ache in the night. I’m too sleepy to be effective then, “Go back to sleep Jack. We both need to get more sleep”. He was not that good in the morning apparently, but was keen to be off to school as it’s ‘tuck’ today & he had some Jumble for the Jumble Sale as well.
I learn these details as Louise called at work. She was supposed to be meeting someone today, but cannot as Eve had fallen asleep & Jude had just woken up & been sick on her. The kids, as a whole, seem to be off colour at the moment. I have a shopping list again.

Thu 21|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 29 seconds

Cor – the kids all asleep as I left the house. I kinda miss not engaging with them – but Eve has the habit of rising too early & being perpetually tired on an evening. Things rather came to a head yesterday as they were all tired & we were tired & bedtime rather went to pot. Jack got mad with us & splashed Louise &would not calm down & do as he was told. It all ended in tears & hugs. hmm… at least no one was sick…
Oh – I realised how I might get my ramblings off the eMate yesterday. I need not worry about synchronisation for the moment (& having to actually read instructions – I can put that off – woo!). I can just email stuff off the eMate to myself. Tested & worked fine.

Louise said that they said that they’d like 20 Eve’s at playgroup…. Odd I thought – they want 20 mad things that jump about dangerously shout a lot & made silly noses? They must be bonkers! But of course this is home behaviour – not playgroup behaviour. I imagine that she shows her more compliant side there – but I can’t imagine the (grasps for right adjective but can only come up with…) lively nature is completely suppressed. I imagine there’s a glint in her eye at least, after all – it is alleged that she taught Andrea (playgroup adult) how to swing her hips.

Right – I know there’s a dozen anecdotes that Louise threw at me yesterday (not with the intention I’d be writing anything – she cares little for what I blather). It proves to me again that I cannot think straight in the mornings – but hey – it’s the only time I get.

Wed 20|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 19 seconds

Well – I still have not managed to extract the files from my newton to OSX.
At least I can back things up onto a memory card now – but all the same – this is not good. I’m actually going to have to do some reading & research.
This is not to disparage OSX – I’ve never been able to get the blighter to work with a PC or the older mac in the office – so it’s… one of those things, perhaps. I could still bash away trying to do other connection type things, but I think reading would be good now.

Jude has been going through a few subtle changes of recent. There are a whole new slew of facial expressions, including a very good sneer; lots of ‘amazed’ & happy faces also. He’s starting to copy – I put my hand up at the dinner table & he copies from his high chair… & then everyone puts their hands up. He’s also moving around very deftly on his feet. He doesn’t balance properly yet – well – not for more than a few seconds anyway – so is not really near walking on his own yet.
Louise took Eve to the supermarket & the tacky Xmas decorations were up. She says Eve just exploded with excitement at it all. She was nearly screaming at Xmas…. Oh boy… she knows…
That reminds me – I really must get in touch with me dad about getting a lift down to Somerset for Xmas. If he can’t its getting time to book the train.

Tue 19|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 18 seconds

Better sleep last night. I sometimes gauge my wakefulness on how I manage to prepare breakfast – more that one brand of cereal for each bowl y’see – so can I get it all right? I failed again this morning – but only to a minor point. Louise got a few crunchy nut cornflakes – which I’m sure she won’t mind.
Apparently I took some cajoling to get out of bed to go comfort the nightly howl from Eve. Don’t remember if she made it up the attic stairs or not, but I woke up with her at 4:10 & thought I’d get more room in our bed upstairs. I was wrong… but at least it’s the bed I’m supposed to sleep in. Jack grew out of waking in the night from all noise & bluster. Hopefully Eve will soon… but then there will be Jude. Hmmm… as I went upstairs to wake Louise & collect Jude this morning (he always seems awake at that time at the moment) he uttered faux words. Me in my tired state thought that one of the other kids must be up there – but no – it was he. He is using a wider range of noises at the moment, & that was one of those moments where he uses the intonation of a sentence.
Louise hoped she was beating her cold yesterday, but she awoke this morning as stuffed as ever. It’s not like her to have one in the 1st place, but she’s stuck with a real pest at the moment.

Mon 18|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 38 seconds

Poor little brain want more sleep.
Later I talk of…

Train home

hmm… does my brain work yet? I’ve been at work all day, but that does not mean…
Been up too late too much of recent – not really a good idea.
Why? Mostly just prating about. I have been trying to figure a way of getting files of this eMate & into OSX at home. Should all be logically easy – but I seem to have conspired against myself in an attempt to make things difficult. Hey ho.

Caroline came over for the day yesterday as well. She’s been oop north at a conference & opted to come over & see us. Stayed up too late again.
Should go bed earlier, but good company.
Stop now

Fri 15|11

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  • Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 6 seconds

No typing yesterday – stood in the rain for an age falling asleep waiting for the train to arrive & it was somewhat crowded when it did.

Eve’s birthday went rather well – she had lots of presents… We’d accumulated quite a few. Much excitement for her; when I got home on Wednesday she was a whirlwind of it, showing me this, showing me that. They’d sung “Happy Birthday” to her at playgroup & oh, a million other things. Happy, but already starting on the road to tired & delirious. Tea was early – pancakes & strawberries & raspberries. They scoffed all the fruit & I had a couple of pancakes. My mum briefly called & Eve shouted to her that it was her birthday to her down the phone. Eve had been anticipating the birthday since before Louise’s birthday – so it’s hardly surprising she was a bit excitable. It’s the 1st ‘occasion’ that she’s really ‘appreciated’.
That night she went to sleep straight off. Excitement being the only thing keeping her going by then, once calmed she was out.
Jack was in the bath when he complained of not feeling well. We got him out & got him dressed, then back to the bathroom to be sick. He’s not often that ill, but he has been ill on scoffing ‘too much fruit’. The raspberries were not as ripe as Louise would have liked for letting the kids have them …that’s probably what was to blame. Jack was awake again before 11:00 & I could not get him to settle again. In the end I got to bed at 12:30 …& then woke up a bit later to start a night of going up & down stairs to see how the kids were. Eve was probably suffering from the raspberries as well as they both had disjointed sleep. All were also awake when I was due to get up at 5:30… We’ve all had better nights …shame – tarnished a really good day.
Louise called me at work yesterday morning as Jude had torn Jack’s library book & she needed to know what I had done with the cellotape after present wrapping. The library book needed to be returned to school that day. I ended up with Jack on the phone, which evaporated my grumpiness by him saying, “Sorry for keeping you awake last night Paul”. Oh, my kids call me Paul & Louise Mum or Louise. I rarely get called daddy by Jack. Without Jack Eve calls me daddy.
They all did very well yesterday evening for the tiredness they must have felt. There was basically the one incident when I got home of Jack bashing Eve on the head for taking a sticker. This caused her to be sick. You can tell when upset will result in vomit from Eve by the way she cries. Louise’s mum was there & had a go at helping her; tried to calm her down, but that’s a little pointless sometimes when she’s ‘crying like that’. She took her to the kitchen & managed to hold her all wrong by the sink & ended up with sick on her jumper. Hey ho. Eve soon calms down & is onto other things.

Did a little shopping in Manchester on the way home – picked up my sunglasses (well pleased) & a few essentially for home. Popped into a record shop (as I just cannot resist) & had an impulse buy of the latest ‘best of’ from EBTG. Made the evening go well – all heads nodding to the music at tea time …well …except Jude.
Jack slept well last night; Eve a little less so. We all were in bed early as …well …it was needed.