Last week… I was slack with the writing & I may well be again this week. I was reading Fortean Times last week, but I’ve nothing I especially have to read this week… Not sure – there’s a background lethargy on my part… sort of. Maybe it’s a craving for novelty & typing seems too much like what I said before… or maybe it’s the days drawing in & the cold seeming into the corners… That’s always a handy excuse his time of year (the desire for comfort).
So.. last week? There may well have been some notable things, but although I feel alert this morning there’s also the usual considerable for of my dull brain to scythe though…
So, this weekend? We set out to Keighley… which was just about right really – its a big town, but not a major conurbation in the terms of somewhere that flocks in the shoppers. It has its shopping centre & so forth, but I imagine many from Keighley choose to venture away from the town for weekend shopping jaunts. Good supermarket, wool shop, even a Woolies, a good crop of charity shops & that’s good enough for us. Stopped by the supermarket with the kids first; cafe food & some distraction & purchases fro the toy isle. My nerves got a little fraught from time to time. Jude wanted quite a lot & had to be talked back. Esme was skittish. Jack didn’t really want anything, but then pointed out a Jeremy Clarkson DVD from Louise with cars & explosions in it which was a little daft of him really as it’s just the sort of thing Louise disapproves of… No, he’s not having it. There was no locksmiths, which was a disappointment to Jude. Sainsbury’s is quite good for half price toys at the moment. If there was one more accessible I’d be tempted to try to do a little Xmas shopping.
That main bit done (Louise had been the the wool shop while I started them out at the cafe) we set out to do a little generic shopping.
Charity shops… We were due to go to a stationers, but Jude was satiated with a pad at the supermarket, so we passed that by. My hankering for a perusal had to fall by the wayside,.. shame… I do have to remind myself of a recent ebay purchase though… that should hopefully satiate this.. I’m hoping that will arrive by my birthday in a few weeks (as that’s sort of what ot is..) A shop or 2 in a locksmiths is spotted so I pop Into this poor fellah’s shop with a bunch of over excitables & ask for a couple of sets of our back door key. Jack needs one as he’s off to school al the time & on Wednesdays he’s home earlier & there’s a chance that there’s no one home when he arrives. It’s a Just in case thing really, but a necessity. Louise needs one, & I need one. I do not have a back door key though because Jude ‘needs’ one. He doesn’t use it as such; there’s no real necessity for him to be able to open the door, & indeed he does not take it out of the house as a rule. Still – Jude being Jude he ‘needs’ one. Hm. Therefore as Jack needs one I’ve been left without a back door key. Thus I was qute pleased to get a couple of back door keys cut: one for me & one for Louise (as hers is a little bent – leaving the bent one as a spare)
Jude starts bringing me keyrings in the shop. Jude likes keyrings. The one he seems to have set his heart on is a plastic ribbon style thig with, “Dad’s Keys” printed on them. I have 2 internal rejections of this; (aside from spending more money on him when he’s just had a car & some pads from the supermarket) ; that is that I don’t like this plasticated object & I wince at the printing thereon. I deny, he persists, I deny he persists, the keys are completed in the fastest possible time, I pay, Jude leaves , I leave, Outside Jude is beseeching to Louise, upset at the unfairness of it all. Denied, he turns & starts being a right pain in the bum. ‘Tape Loop’: “I want a Keyring, I want a keyring, I want…”