No typing yesterday – stood in the rain for an age falling asleep waiting for the train to arrive & it was somewhat crowded when it did.
Eve’s birthday went rather well – she had lots of presents… We’d accumulated quite a few. Much excitement for her; when I got home on Wednesday she was a whirlwind of it, showing me this, showing me that. They’d sung “Happy Birthday” to her at playgroup & oh, a million other things. Happy, but already starting on the road to tired & delirious. Tea was early – pancakes & strawberries & raspberries. They scoffed all the fruit & I had a couple of pancakes. My mum briefly called & Eve shouted to her that it was her birthday to her down the phone. Eve had been anticipating the birthday since before Louise’s birthday – so it’s hardly surprising she was a bit excitable. It’s the 1st ‘occasion’ that she’s really ‘appreciated’.
That night she went to sleep straight off. Excitement being the only thing keeping her going by then, once calmed she was out.
Jack was in the bath when he complained of not feeling well. We got him out & got him dressed, then back to the bathroom to be sick. He’s not often that ill, but he has been ill on scoffing ‘too much fruit’. The raspberries were not as ripe as Louise would have liked for letting the kids have them …that’s probably what was to blame. Jack was awake again before 11:00 & I could not get him to settle again. In the end I got to bed at 12:30 …& then woke up a bit later to start a night of going up & down stairs to see how the kids were. Eve was probably suffering from the raspberries as well as they both had disjointed sleep. All were also awake when I was due to get up at 5:30… We’ve all had better nights …shame – tarnished a really good day.
Louise called me at work yesterday morning as Jude had torn Jack’s library book & she needed to know what I had done with the cellotape after present wrapping. The library book needed to be returned to school that day. I ended up with Jack on the phone, which evaporated my grumpiness by him saying, “Sorry for keeping you awake last night Paul”. Oh, my kids call me Paul & Louise Mum or Louise. I rarely get called daddy by Jack. Without Jack Eve calls me daddy.
They all did very well yesterday evening for the tiredness they must have felt. There was basically the one incident when I got home of Jack bashing Eve on the head for taking a sticker. This caused her to be sick. You can tell when upset will result in vomit from Eve by the way she cries. Louise’s mum was there & had a go at helping her; tried to calm her down, but that’s a little pointless sometimes when she’s ‘crying like that’. She took her to the kitchen & managed to hold her all wrong by the sink & ended up with sick on her jumper. Hey ho. Eve soon calms down & is onto other things.
Did a little shopping in Manchester on the way home – picked up my sunglasses (well pleased) & a few essentially for home. Popped into a record shop (as I just cannot resist) & had an impulse buy of the latest ‘best of’ from EBTG. Made the evening go well – all heads nodding to the music at tea time …well …except Jude.
Jack slept well last night; Eve a little less so. We all were in bed early as …well …it was needed.