Cough cough.
Oh great – I now cough. Dry tickling little so & so that keeps nagging. Mind you that’s better than the asthmatic guttural phlegmmy ones :)
I would, it has to be said, appreciate feeling healthy – if nothing else so that I would stop whittering on like some flagrant hypochondriac.
I left work early on Friday. Feeling abysmal. Whole body hurting & head spinning. It’s quite probable that I should not have bothered going in at all. I was in a filthy mood & that’s probably what propelled me in – the adrenaline from anger. Once I sat down & started work I fell to pieces a bit. It seems when I am truly ill I get mad at everything.
This morning the limbs don’t feel so bad. Yesterday was a bit awful – & I just started to perk up at bedtime… great.
The whole family is a bit off at the moment. Jude was being sick lot yesterday – which is a little unusual for him – he’s not got a predilection for barfing like Jack did & does not often ‘loose it’ when really upset, as Eve can still do. However – he was sick on my leg at the start of the day. Later at midday Louise gave him some lunch (a jar of baby food – not that common a meal for him). He tucked in happily & was doing well… that is until Louise had him sat on her knee & was getting him ready to go out &, well, I’d like to say, “VlAAArp!”, but he’s very quite with his being sick. Just opens his mouth & away he goes – yellow gunk all down him & all over Louise’s dress… Louise was… not impressed. Jude didn’t flinch – he was only mildly upset by having to have his clothes changed. So I get to carry the time bomb for a bit… But he’s fine. I play with him, carry him around, let him jump up & down at the window, banging the window (he enjoys that) while Louise gets a change of clothes. She comes downstairs & starts putting some washing out again, & I follow her. Jude stretches out, so I go to Louise, & we just get to where she’s taking him off me, – he’s on her shoulder &, “Vlaarp!” again. More yellow dappling! Louise does not quite see the comedy of it all, somehow. That was, thankfully, the last of it though.